Javascript in the Kinesis Team

January 20, 2021

Kinesis offers a user interface to telematics customers that allows them to manage fleets of up to thousands of vehicles, each with hundreds of journeys per week, each journey containing hundreds if not thousands of position updates.
This all requires a lot of user interaction for filtering of data and drilling down to find insights into driver behaviour. It also means we deal with very large volumes of data. These two aspects of the domain mean that Javascript is a very important part of our technical solution. We starting moving to Single Page Applications based on React very early on and have grown our adoption of React ever since.

We make use of React, Redux and Apollo/GraphQL and this all sits on top of our APIs on the back-end which are written in Python in some cases, and NodeJS in others. We have recently started adopting Typescript too. Our applications are serverless where possible, running on AWS.

As a Javascript developer in the Kinesis team you will be building complex, but easy to use interfaces that expose actionable insights from terrabytes of data, in fractions of a second. Many of these views are real time, using GraphQL subscriptions. So we offer an interesting, challenging domain with no shortage of new features to build and services to help scale and manage. We look for people with experience building non-trivial React front-ends who have worked on large codebases and dealt with big volumes of data.
An exact match on all technologies listed here isn’t necessary however, we consider varied technical backgrounds as long as we see the passion for technology and for building powerful and easy to use products for customers.

The following video demonstrates some of the key features of Velocity.

Have a look at our offices here and make sure you read our article on Why you should work here.

If you’re interested in applying for this role, or want to find our more, please get in touch using the details on the right.